Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mother Hen

We have come to notice in the last couple of months that Zoe is quite the mother hen. As she absolutely adores our dogs, especially Chester, she is the first to boss them around. While I'm working at my computer, I hear her little voice "Move Beben" because she doesn't want to walk around him, "Chesters, tenel" (Chester, Kennel) when she thinks he needs to be locked up, "Tome here Dex" (Come here, Dex) because she wants him to lay in his kennel with her. He's the last dog who would want to snuggle up with her in his kennel. She so much as looks at him and he runs away. I feel bad for the dogs because she chases them around the living room, puts her lipstick on them, makes them look at books with her and simply tortures them. It will be interesting to see how she acts with Baby Norbert, it's name until we come up with something better. Will she control it, or will she nurture it? I guess we'll have to wait and see.


Ally_C said...

I love it! She'll be a great big sister! :) But be prepared for her to play dress up with baby Norbert -- even if it is a boy! :)

The dBs said...

Why Norbert? Janet's ex-boyfriend's name? Interesting choice - it reeks of Dustin...