Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Zoe's ability to relate things without being told really astonishes her dad and I. We had a slight snow last week, less than an inch that Zoe enjoyed looking at and especially enjoyed walking in. She kept asking "Alk, no?" Meaning, "can I walk in the snow?". Well, yesterday morning we were sitting at the table eating breakfast and she looks at us and says "No?" (how she says snow). I tried to tell her that the snow had melted and was no longer there. How you explain that to an almost two year old is beyond me, she just looked at me and said "No-man?" Now, she knows what snowmen are due to the season of the year, but how in the world does she know that you make a snowman out of snow? To you and I that seems ridiculous, and obvious, but to a two year old? I do know, however, that this morning when she wakes up she'll be either confused or exstatic when she sees the blanket of white out the front window. There's even enough for her to build a "no-man".

1 comment:

Ally_C said...

Love it! And love that you speak '2-year-old'! :)

How's baby 2 treating you? When do we find out what it is?!!! And when do we get to start picking out names?! :)